Patrick Nichols

The Flying Blind Collection

The Flying Blind Collection is a group of clothing designs inspired by typography and illustration of the 1920s and 1930s. The project aims to encompass the zany and often subversive nature of cartoons and advertisements of the era, as well as the endearing quality of character they provide. As a graduating senior, my intention was to infuse some of my own feelings of both excitement and apprehension towards the uncertainty of freedom I will soon be faced with.      

ARTIST STATEMENT: Hello, my name is Patrick Nichols and I am a designer, illustrator, photographer, artist, and craftsman. In other words, I love to create things. Having so many passions, I find that my best work comes about when I’m able to bridge the gap between my skills and interests, creative or otherwise. I’m driven by the thrill of trying and learning new things, failing until I succeed, and being able to say, “I can do that,” and making it happen.

PROFESSIONAL DIRECTION/CAREER ASPIRATION: Freelance design, illustration, and photography with the goal of starting a company or firm. Additionally, I would like to continue designing and producing my own themed clothing collections and other consumer products. 


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