
Godbloods is a year and a half long writing project. What is shown here is the second draft of the first arc in the full story. The piece is about a fantasy setting where the gods have been forgotten and disgraced by the people. Yet, the children of the gods, known as Godbloods, still roam the land. They are scorned and hated for their heritage and what they stand for. Three Godbloods, Vanûm, Eyriel, and Julia, are part of a sideshow in a circus called the Miraculous Faire, forced to perform as oddities. Two patrons of the circus, Cyrus and Rennard, find themselves on the side of the Godbloods.
ARTIST STATEMENT: Ze is an artist of many different mediums from New Jersey. While they mainly focus on watercolor and oil portraits as a hobby, they also spend much of their time writing Godbloods as a part of a personal project. They hope it will become a series some day.
PROFESSIONAL DIRECTION/CAREER ASPIRATION: Copywriter, author, traditional artist
WEB PRESENCE: www.instagram.com/rebeccazmoda/